Press the Windows button and type cmd to open the command prompt and go to the you-can-datamosh-on-windows-master folder. (Other versions of Python might work but I've only tested this with Python 3.6) If you have Python 3.6 installed and know how to use it run:.There are two ways to run the datamoshing program: ffmpeg.exe should be in the you-can-datamosh-on-windows-master folder.
make sure the Python folder is named python-3.6.0 and that python.exe and a bunch of other files are in the main python-3.6.0 folder.Unzip then the files inside: and
How to run the program after it's downloaded: The mosh works out of the box and produces videos ready for social media sites like Twitter but I left extensive notes in the program to help you adjust settings and understand what's happening. What's a datamosh? Here's an example made by someone who wasn't me! (or you can drag and drop a video file on top of datamosh.bat in the file explorer window) Hello, friends! Now you can datamosh from the command line on Windows!